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Continuing Education Courses About Addiction

At Free State Social Work, we provide great online continuing education about addiction for social workers, counselors, and therapists!

All of our courses are $5.99 per credit hour. We also offer an unlimited package! One year of unlimited courses is $74.99 and two years are $124.99.

Click here for more details about our unlimited packages.

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Opioid use disorder: current trends and potential treatments (1 credit hour)

Program Summary:  This course explores opioid use disorder and reviews trends, treatments, and approaches.  The course offers an overview of the opioid crisis as one of our biggest public health challenges.  Benefits and limitations of existing treatment options are examined with a discussion of naloxone and MOUDs.  The course identifies possible ways to improve existing treatment strategies and highlights new approaches and medical developments.  The course places an emphasis on treating the whole patient and suggests that future treatments may have the potential to cure, not just manage OUD.  A second reading provides information on signs of an overdose, Naloxone, identifying OUD, and diagnostic criteria.

This course is recommended for social workers and counselors and is appropriate for beginning and intermediate levels of practice.  
Read the complete description of this course…..

Categories: Addiction, Clinical

The effects of opioid policy changes on transitions from prescription opioids to heroin, fentanyl and injection drug use: a qualitative analysis (2 credit hours)

Program Summary:  This course highlights an analysis of opioid use in the context of prescription opioid policy changes.  Participants in the study describe their personal experiences with opioid use over time, starting with prescription opioid use.  As the opioid crisis became a public health crisis, many new measures and policies were quickly initiated to limit the prescribing, diversion, and nonmedical use of prescription opioids.  The course describes the unintended consequences from these policy changes, including an escalation of opioid use for some people.  Discontinuation of prescription opioids and pain management are discussed and include common misconceptions about pain managment.  A second reading covers the topics of identifying OUD, diagnostic criteria, evidence-based treatment, and nonopioid therapies for pain management.

This course is recommended for social workers and counselors and is appropriate for beginning and intermediate levels of practice.  
Read the complete description of this course…..

Categories: Addiction, Opioids

Pathways to opioid use and implications for prevention: voices of young adults in recovery (2 credit hours)

Program Summary:   This course explores young adult pathways to opioid and non-medical prescription opioid use with implications for prevention.  The course highlights a qualitative and quantitative research study of thirty young adults in recovery from OUD.  Risk factors, protective factors, and main themes are identified.  Recommendations for prevention are offered and include a discussion of supply-side and demand-side strategies.  About Prescription Opioids is the second reading for the course and includes information on pain management, side effects of opioids, prescription opioid misuse, and risk for overdose.

This course is recommended for social workers and counselors and is appropriate for beginning and intermediate levels of practice.  
Read the complete description of this course…..

Categories: Addiction, Opioids

Evidence-Based, Whole-Person Care For Pregnant People Who Have Opioid Use Disorder (1 credit hour)

Program Summary:  This course examines evidence-based, whole-person care for pregnant people with opioid use disorder.  The course offers recommendations and guidance about OUD medication during pregnancy and highlights considerations for screening and assessment, changing pharmacotherapy during pregnancy, admission and discharge, polysubstance use, and treating the ‘whole person.’

This course is recommended for social workers and counselors and is appropriate for beginning and intermediate levels of practice.   Read the complete description of this course…..

Categories: Addiction, Clinical, Opioids, Women

Overdose Prevention and Response Toolkit (2 credit hours)

Program Summary:  This course offers basic overdose education for recognizing and responding to an opioid overdose.  The course highlights overdose causes, risks, signs, and prevention.  Opioid overdose reversal medications are discussed and overdose response steps are given.  This course is intended to complement and not replace overdose prevention and response training.

This course is recommended for social workers and counselors and is appropriate for beginning and intermediate levels of practice.   Read the complete description of this course…..

Categories: Addiction, Opioids

Alcohol and Substance Use Among East Asian American Youth (1 credit hour)

Program Summary:  This course describes differences in alcohol and substance use among East Asian American youth subgroups including Chinese, Taiwanese, Korean, and Japanese Americans.  The course explores various factors that may influence substance use for EAA subgroups (stigma, acculturation, peers, norms) and challenges the Model Minority Myth.  Culturally appropriate prevention and treatment preferences are discussed.

This course is recommended for social workers, counselors, and therapists and is appropriate for beginning and intermediate levels of practice.   Read the complete description of this course…..

Categories: Addiction, Cultural Competence

Counseling Approaches for Recovery from Substance Use: Promoting Harm Reduction, Preventing Recurrence, Sustaining Recovery, and Promoting a Healthy Life (10 credit hours)

Program Summary:  This course is the third of a 3-part series on recovery from problematic substance use and examines counseling approaches for promoting harm reduction, preventing recurrence, sustaining recovery, and promoting a healthy life.  There are many evidence-based practices that can help clients meet their goals for recovery.  Chapter 3 explores harm reduction, trauma -informed care, motivational interviewing, cognitive-behavioral therapy, contingency management, mindfulness, acceptance and commitment therapy, and psychoeducation.  Chapter 4 examines four domains that assist a life in recovery:  health, home, purpose, and community.

This course is recommended for social workers and counselors and is appropriate for beginning and intermediate levels of practice.  

We do not recommend this course if you completed our previous course, Counseling Approaches to Promote Recovery from Problematic Substance Use and Related Issues (15 credit hours), as it covers the same course material. Read the complete description of this course…..

Categories: Addiction, Clinical

Framework for Supporting Recovery With Counseling (2 credit hours)

Program Summary:  This course is the second of a 3-part series on recovery from problematic substance use and offers a framework for supporting recovery with counseling.  The course explores strengths-based, recovery-oriented counseling and includes a discussion of values, recovery capital, unconditional positive regard, cues for health and well-being, self-efficacy, and motivation.  The course highlights sociocultural considerations and the importance of cultural responsiveness.

This course is recommended for social workers and counselors and is appropriate for beginning and intermediate levels of practice.  

We do not recommend this course if you completed our previous course, Counseling Approaches to Promote Recovery from Problematic Substance Use and Related Issues (15 credit hours), as it covers the same course material.

Read the complete description of this course…..

Categories: Addiction, Clinical

Introduction to Recovery from Problematic Substance Use (3 credit hours)

Program Summary:  This course is the first of a 3-part series on recovery from problematic substance use.  The course provides an introduction to recovery-oriented counseling and describes a shift in SUD treatment away from a model of specialized treatment that focuses primarily on abstinence and toward a different model of integrated care that is strengths-based, client-driven, and offers a broad range of services.  Recovery is increasingly viewed as a process of change rather than an end point.  Current recovery research is highlighted and includes a discussion of neurological, genetic, and epigenetic bases for problematic substance use.

This course is recommended for social workers and counselors and is appropriate for beginning and intermediate levels of practice.  

We do not recommend this course if you completed our previous course, Counseling Approaches to Promote Recovery from Problematic Substance Use and Related Issues (15 credit hours), as it covers the same course material. Read the complete description of this course…..

Categories: Addiction, Clinical

Medications to Treat Opioid Use Disorder Research Report (1 credit hour)

Program Summary:  This course explores current research related to medications to treat opioid use disorder.  The course offers an overview of methadone, buprenorphine, and naltrexone and compares their effectiveness and how they work.  Misconceptions, misunderstandings, and diversion risks are discussed.  The course examines opioid use disorder treatment for special populations, including those with HIV, those in the military, those in the criminal justice system, and pregnant mothers.

This course is recommended for social workers, counselors, and therapists and is appropriate for beginning and intermediate levels of practice. Read the complete description of this course…..

Categories: Addiction, Clinical, Opioids

Treatment for Stimulant Use Disorders- Best Practice Guidelines (11 credit hours)

Program Summary:   This course explores recent research on stimulant use disorders along with best treatment practices. The course examines how cocaine, methamphetamine, and prescription stimulants affect neurobiology, the brain, and behavior.  Common medical and psychological complications are discussed.  The course describes the best supported treatment approaches; contingency management is highlighted as the primary psychosocial treatment for stimulant disorders.  Strategies for supporting patients in treatment and recovery are given.

This course is recommended for social workers and counselors and is appropriate for beginning and intermediate levels of practice.  

Read the complete description of this course…..

Categories: Addiction, Clinical

Prescription Stimulant Misuse and Prevention Among Youth and Young Adults (1 credit hour)

Program Summary:   This course examines the prevalence of prescription stimulant use and misuse among youth and young adults.  Short and long term health effects of prescription stimulant use are explored along with risk and protective factors.  Opportunities for prevention are discussed, and considerations for screening, assessment, and treatment are given.

This course is recommended for social workers and counselors and is appropriate for beginning and intermediate levels of practice.   Read the complete description of this course…..

Categories: Addiction, Children, Clinical, Free

Implementing Community-Level Policies to Prevent Alcohol Misuse (2 credit hours)

Program Summary:   This course looks at the harms of alcohol misuse, which groups are most affected, and how evidence-based community-level policies can create safer communities.  Data is provided for different population groups including age, sex/gender, sexual orientation, race/ethnicity, and socioeconomic status.  Evidence-based  strategies for reducing alcohol misuse are included; policies that focus on reducing alcohol availability in the community have been shown to be some of the most effective.

This course is recommended for social workers, counselors, and therapists.
Read the complete description of this course…..

Categories: Addiction, Clinical

Substance Use Disorder Treatment and Family Therapy Part 1 (6 credit hours)

Program Summary:   This course examines the benefits and challenges of family therapy in SUD treatment.  The course explores how substance misuse can impact family systems, how family systems can impact substance misuse, and and the value of family involvement in SUD treatment.   Common family dynamics and terminology are discussed including rules, roles, boundaries, and power structures.  An overview of different family counseling approaches is given.

This course is recommended for social workers, counselors, and therapists.

Read the complete description of this course…..

Categories: Addiction, Clinical, Families

Treatment Considerations for Youth and Young Adults with Serious Emotional Disturbances, Serious Mental Illnesses and Co-occurring Substance Use (2 credit hours)

Program Summary:   This course explores treatment considerations for youth with SED and young adults with SMI and co-occurring substance use.  It offers an overview of risk and protective factors, impact of the problem, and barriers to treatment.  The course examines three treatment practices:  cognitive behavioral therapy, multidimensional family therapy, and pharmacotherapy.  Five program examples are given.

This course is recommended for social workers and counselors and is appropriate for beginning and intermediate levels of practice.   Read the complete description of this course…..

Categories: Addiction, Children, Clinical

Treating Concurrent Substance Use Among Adults (2 credit hours)

Program Summary:   This course provides an overview of concurrent substance use and concurrent substance use disorder, exploring risk factors, protective factors, screening, assessment, and treatment.  Three treatment approaches are examined including FDA-approved pharmacotherapy with counseling, contingency management with FDA-approved pharmacotherapy and counseling, and twelve-step facilitation therapy with FDA-approved pharmacotherapy and counseling.  Strategies for managing clinical issues are given.

This course is recommended for social workers and counselors and is appropriate for beginning and intermediate levels of practice.   Read the complete description of this course…..

Categories: Addiction, Clinical

Treatment of Stimulant Use Disorders (2 credit hours)

Program Summary:   This course offers an overview of stimulant use disorders and includes a discussion of adverse effects.  Four evidence-based treatment approaches are identified, including motivational interviewing, contingency management, the community reinforcement approach, and cognitive behavioral therapy.  Common clinical issues are explored, and examples of treatment programs are given.

This course is recommended for social workers and counselors and is appropriate for beginning and intermediate levels of practice.  

Read the complete description of this course…..

Categories: Addiction, Clinical

Preventing Marijuana Use Among Youth (2 credit hours)

Program Summary:   This course explores youth marijuana prevention and provides an overview of marijuana, its potency, methods of use, changes in use, and prevalence.  The course offers a discussion of short- and long-term adverse effects and harms.  Risk and protective factors are examined along with challenges to prevention efforts.  Promising substance use prevention programs and interventions are given.

This course is recommended for social workers and counselors and is appropriate for beginning and intermediate levels of practice.  

Read the complete description of this course…..

Categories: Addiction, Children, Clinical

Substance Use Disorder Treatment: Working with Families (2 credit hours)

Program Summary:  This course explores family counseling in SUD treatment and provides an overview of family-based counseling interventions.  Common family characteristics are examined using a systems perspective.  Four main family-based models are discussed in this course: the chronic disease model disease, family systems theory, cognitive-behavioral theory, and multidimensional family therapy.  Benefits and challenges of family counseling in SUD treatment are discussed.

This course is recommended for social workers, counselors, and therapists and it is appropriate for beginning and intermediate levels of practice.  

Read the complete description of this course…..

Categories: Addiction, Clinical, Families

The Opioid Crisis and the Hispanic Latino Population: An Urgent Issue (2 credit hours)

Program Summary:  This course examines national data and explores the impact of opioid misuse on the Hispanic Latino community.  It includes a discussion of sociocultural factors, such as immigration issues, religion, stigma, and a lack of culturally responsive prevention and treatment.  Strategies to address opioid misuse are given, including an overview of evidence-based treatment recommendations and medication-assisted treatment.

This course is recommended for social workers, counselors, and therapists and it is appropriate for beginning and intermediate levels of practice.  

Read the complete description of this course…..

Categories: Addiction, Cultural Competence, Opioids

Prevention and Treatment of HIV Among People Living with Substance Use and/or Mental Disorders (1 credit hour)

Program Summary:  This course explores the unique challenges and strategies for preventing and treating HIV for people with substance use and/or mental disorders.   You will learn about the interrelated factors that impact HIV prevention and treatment efforts.  Programs and practices are examined, including PrEP, Syringe Services Programs, Contingency and Management, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Patient Navigation.

This course is recommended for social workers, counselors, and therapists and it is appropriate for beginning and intermediate levels of practice.  

Read the complete description of this course…..

Categories: Addiction, Clinical, Healthcare, HIV

Social Support and Other Wellness Strategies for Older Adults- Treating Substance Use Disorder in Older Adults (2 credit hours)

Program Summary:   This course explores health, wellness, and recovery strategies for older adults who misuse substances.  The course includes a discussion of positive social supports, complementary therapies, continuing care, relapse prevention, and resilience.  The value of an approach that is strengths-based and trauma-informed is emphasized.  The reading is Chapter 7 of SAMHSA’s TIP 26 Treating Substance Use Disorder in Older Adults.

This course is recommended for social workers, counselors, and therapists and it is appropriate for beginning and intermediate levels of practice.  

Read the complete description of this course…..

Categories: Addiction, Aging, Clinical

Substance Misuse and Cognitive Impairment- Treating Substance Use Disorder in Older Adults (2 credit hours)

Program Summary:   This course explores substance misuse and cognitive impairment in older adults.  The course examines how cognition in older adults may be affected by alcohol, benzodiazepines, tobacco, co-occurring disorders, and more.  It includes a discussion of screening, diagnosis, treatment, and caregiver stress.  The reading is Chapter 6 of SAMHSA’s TIP 26 Treating Substance Use Disorder in Older Adults.

This course is recommended for social workers, counselors, and therapists and it is appropriate for beginning and intermediate levels of practice.  

Read the complete description of this course…..

Categories: Addiction, Aging, Clinical

Treating Drug Use and Prescription Medication Misuse in Older Adults (2 credit hours)

Program Summary:    This course explores options for assessing, diagnosing, and treating drug use and prescription medication misuse in older adults.  DSM-5 criteria for SUD are given and include consideration for older adults.  Age-specific treatment options and the SUD treatment continuum of care are examined.  The reading includes Chapter 5 of SAMHSA’s TIP 26 Treating Substance Use Disorder in Older Adults.

This course is recommended for social workers, counselors, and therapists and it is appropriate for beginning and intermediate levels of practice.  

Read the complete description of this course…..

Categories: Addiction, Aging, Clinical, Opioids

Treating Alcohol Misuse in Older Adults (3 credit hours)

Program Summary:    This course explores screening, assessment, diagnosis, and treatment options for older adults with AUD.  Screening tools such as AUDIT and SMAST-G are discussed, along with DSM-5 criteria for AUD and considerations for older adults.  AUD treatment approaches such as CBT, PST, TSF, and pharmacological interventions are included.  The reading is Chapter 4 of SAMHSA’s TIP 26 Treating Substance Use Disorder in Older Adults.

This course is recommended for social workers, counselors, and therapists and it is appropriate for beginning and intermediate levels of practice.  

Read the complete description of this course…..

Categories: Addiction, Aging, Clinical

Identifying, Screening for, and Assessing Substance Misuse in Older Adults (3 credit hours)

Program Summary:    This course explores ways to identify, screen, and assess older clients for substance misuse.  The course provides an overview of screening tools for substance misuse and co-occurring mental disorders. A description of brief and full assessments is given, along with a discussion of age appropriate care for older adults.  Challenges to screening and assessing older clients for substance misuse are explored.  The reading includes Chapter 3 of SAMHSA’s TIP 26 Treating Substance Use Disorder in Older Adults.

This course is recommended for social workers, counselors, and therapists and it is appropriate for beginning and intermediate levels of practice.  

Read the complete description of this course…..

Categories: Addiction, Aging, Clinical

Older Adults and Substance Misuse: Understanding the Issue and Principles of Care (2 credit hours)

Program Summary:  This course explores how older adults experience substance misuse differently and provides an overview of the unique needs of older adults with substance use disorder.   Screening, diagnosis, and treatment recommendations are discussed along with general principles of care.  The reading includes Chapters 1 and 2 of SAMHSA’s TIP 26 Treating Substance Use Disorder in Older Adults.

This course is recommended for social workers, counselors, and therapists and it is appropriate for beginning and intermediate levels of practice.  

Read the complete description of this course…..

Categories: Addiction, Aging, Clinical

Treatment Models and Settings for People with Co-Occurring Disorders- Substance Use Disorder Treatment for People with Co-Occurring Disorders (3 credit hours)

Program Summary:  This course explores the co-occurrence of substance use disorders and mental disorders.  It examines treatment models and settings, including intensive case management, assertive community treatment, therapeutic communities, and more.   Common medications that clients with CODs may be taking are discussed.  The reading includes Chapter 7 of SAMHSA’s TIP 42 Substance Use Disorder Treatment for People with Co-Occurring Disorders.

This course is recommended for social workers, counselors, and therapists and it is appropriate for beginning and intermediate levels of practice.  

Read the complete description of this course…..

Categories: Addiction, Clinical, Retired

Co-Occurring Disorders Among Special Populations- Substance Use Disorder Treatment for People with Co-Occurring Disorders (2 credit hours)

Program Summary:  This course explores the co-occurrence of substance use disorders and mental disorders.  It examines co-occurring disorders among special populations, including people experiencing homelessness, those involved with the criminal justice system, women, and people of diverse racial/ethnic backgrounds.  Strategies and recommendations for treatment are given.  The reading includes Chapter 6 of SAMHSA’s TIP 42 Substance Use Disorder Treatment for People with Co-Occurring Disorders.

This course is recommended for social workers, counselors, and therapists and it is appropriate for beginning and intermediate levels of practice.  

Read the complete description of this course…..

Categories: Addiction, Cultural Competence, Homelessness, Retired

Strategies for Working with People Who Have Co-Occurring Disorders- Substance Use Disorder Treatment for People with Co-Occurring Disorders (2 credit hours)

Program Summary:  This course explores the co-occurrence of substance use disorders and mental disorders.  It examines strategies for working with people with co-occurring disorders, such as empathic counseling, motivational interviewing, relapse prevention techniques, and skill building.  Evidence-based counseling techniques for co-occurring MDD, anxiety disorders, PTSD, and SMI are given. The reading includes Chapter 5 of SAMHSA’s TIP 42 Substance Use Disorder Treatment for People with Co-Occurring Disorders.

This course is recommended for social workers, counselors, and therapists and it is appropriate for beginning and intermediate levels of practice.  

Read the complete description of this course…..

Categories: Addiction, Clinical, Retired

Mental and Substance-Related Disorders: Diagnostic and Cross-Cutting Topics- Substance Use Disorder Treatment for People with Co-Occurring Disorders (4 credit hours)

Program Summary:  This course explores the cooccurrence of substance use disorders and mental disorders.  It focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of common co-occurring mental disorders, including depressive disorders, bipolar I disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, personality disorders, anxiety disorders, schizophrenia and psychosis, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and feeding and eating disorders.  DSM-5 diagnostic criteria and treatment approaches are examined, and case studies are given. The reading includes Chapter 4 of SAMHSA’s TIP 42 Substance Use Disorder Treatment for People with Co-Occurring Disorders.

This course is recommended for social workers, counselors, and therapists and it is appropriate for beginning and intermediate levels of practice.  

Read the complete description of this course…..

Categories: Addiction, Clinical, Retired

Screening and Assessment- Substance Use Disorder Treatment for People with Co-Occurring Disorders (3 credit hours)

Program Summary:  This course explores the cooccurrence of substance use disorders and mental disorders.  It focuses on effective screening and comprehensive assessment for clients with possible CODs.  The 12 steps of the assessment process are examined, and a variety of screening tools are included.  The reading includes Chapter 3 of SAMHSA’s TIP 42 Substance Use Disorder Treatment for People with Co-Occurring Disorders.

This course is recommended for social workers, counselors, and therapists and it is appropriate for beginning and intermediate levels of practice.  

Read the complete description of this course…..

Categories: Addiction, Clinical, Retired

Introduction to Substance Use Disorder Treatment for People with Co-Occurring Disorders (2 credit hours)

Program Summary:  This course explores the cooccurrence of substance use disorders and mental disorders.  It offers guidance for the provision of evidence-based care for people with CODs and considers screening, assessment, diagnosis, and care needs.  The reading for this course includes Chapters 1 and 2 of SAMHSA’s TIP 42 Substance Use Disorder Treatment for People with Co-Occurring Disorders.  Chapter 1 offers an introduction to substance use disorder treatment for people with co-occurring disorders.  Chapter 2 offers guidance for working with people who have CODs.

This course is recommended for social workers, counselors, and therapists and it is appropriate for beginning and intermediate levels of practice.  

Read the complete description of this course…..

Categories: Addiction, Clinical, Retired

The Opioid Crisis and the Black/African American Population: An Urgent Issue (2 credit hours)

Program Summary:  This course describes the impact of the opioid crisis on the Black/African American community and discusses challenges to prevention, treatment, and recovery.  The course includes national data on opioid misuse and offers an overview of evidence-based treatment practices and key strategies.  Medication-assisted treatment and psychosocial interventions are explored and include a review of methadone, buprenorphine, naltrexone, and naloxone.

This course is recommended for social workers, counselors, and therapists and it is appropriate for beginning and intermediate levels of practice.   Read the complete description of this course…..

Categories: Addiction, Cultural Competence, Opioids, Retired

Research Report Series: Marijuana (1 credit hour)

Program Summary:  This course explores marijuana use and its affects on the brain and the body.  Acute, persistent, and long-term consequences are discussed, along with available treatments.

This course is recommended for social workers, counselors, and therapists and is appropriate for beginning and intermediate levels of practice. Read the complete description of this course…..

Categories: Addiction, Clinical

Substance Use in Women (2 credit hours)

Program Summary:  This course examines the ways in which women may differ from men in substance use and substance use disorder treatment.   The course looks at sex and gender differences related to the use of marijuana, stimulants, MDMA, heroin, prescription drugs, alcohol, and nicotine.   Research on substance use during pregnancy and while breastfeeding is also included.

This course is recommended for social workers, counselors, and therapists and is appropriate for beginning, intermediate, and advanced levels of practice.   Read the complete description of this course…..

Categories: Addiction, Clinical, Retired, Women

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