Child Protective Services: A Guide for Caseworkers Part 1 (2 credit hours)
This is part 1 and covers Chapters 1-4.
Program Summary: This course provides guidance to those working for the safety and well-being of children. Part 1 provides an overview of the child protection process and explores goals and values for child protection. Important legislation and the legal context for child welfare are discussed. Considerations are given for engaging families and includes a discussion of cultural sensitivity, the helping relationship, and building rapport. Part 1 covers the following chapters: Chapter 1 Purpose and Overview; Chapter 2 Child Protective Services Practice; Chapter 3 Legal Context of CPS Intervention, and Chapter 4 Engaging and Working with Children and Families.
This course is recommended for social workers, counselors, and therapists and appropriate for beginning and intermediate levels of practice.
Publisher: The Children’s Bureau Office on Child Abuse and Neglect
Course Objectives: To enhance professional practice, values, skills, and knowledge by identifying key issues related to child protective services practice.
Learning Objectives: Identify the national goals for child protection. Describe the legal context for CPS intervention. Describe the term parens patriae. Identify the core conditions of helping relationships.
Review our pre-reading study guide.
G.M. Rydberg-Cox, MSW, LSCSW is the Continuing Education Director at Free State Social Work and responsible for the development of this course. She received her Masters of Social Work in 1996 from the Jane Addams School of Social Work at the University of Illinois-Chicago and she has over 20 years of experience. She has lived and worked as a social worker in Chicago, Boston, and Kansas City. She has practiced for many years in the area of hospital/medical social work. The reading materials for this course were developed by another organization.