References for Preparing Adoptive Families

“Adopting Again”: A Qualitative Study of the Second Transition to Parenthood in Adoptive Families (Book, 2018).
“Adoption beyond Borders”: How International Adoption Benefits Children (Book, 2018).
“Adoption in the Digital Age”: Opportunities and Challenges for the 21st Century (EBook, 2018).
Anthony, Rebecca Elizabeth, and Cardiff University. Parent-Child Relationship Quality and Psychological Wellbeing among Adoptive Families, 2018.
Child Welfare Information Gateway (U.S.). Accessing Adoption Support and Preservation Services, 2018.
Currie-McGhee, Leanne. Adoptive Families, 2019.
Flanery, Patrick. Ginger Child: On Family, Loss and Adoption, 2019.
“‘It Shouldn’t Just Be These Kinds of Sunshine Stories’: Social Workers’ Discussion of ‘past Difficulties’ as a Key Theme in Adoption Assessment Interviews” (Downloadable Article, 2020).
KIEF, ANN. BLESSED BY ADOPTION: A Journey of Discovery Blending Families and Countries, Place of publication not identified: XULON Press, 2019.
Latchford, Frances J. Steeped in Blood: Adoption, Identity, and the Definition of Family, 2019.
Moody, Anne. The Children Money Can Buy: Stories from the Frontlines of Foster Care and Adoption, 2018.
Raleigh, Elizabeth. Selling Transracial Adoption, Temple University Press, 2018.
Samuels, Julie. Adoption in the Digital Age: Opportunities and Challenges for the 21st Century, 2018.
Welch, Wendy. Fall or Fly: The Strangely Hopeful Story of Foster Care and Adoption in Appalachia, 2018.