References for NBCC Code of Ethics

Corey, Gerald, Marianne Schneider Corey, and Cindy Corey. Issues and Ethics in the Helping Professions. Mason, OH: Cengage, 2018.

“Counseling Ethics for the 21st Century”: A Case-Based Guide to Virtuous Practice (EBook, 2019) . Accessed July 27, 2020.

“Ethical Responsibilities in Post-Abortion Care (Article, 2019) . Accessed July 27, 2020.

Fisher, Celia B, and Rimah Jaber. “Ethical Issues in Substance-Use Prevention Research, 2019.

“Impact of Selected Ethical Information Resources on Counselor Educators’ Decision-Making Regarding Boundary Crossings (Article, 2019) . Accessed July 27, 2020.

Kimball, Patricia. When Professional and Personal Values Collide: A Thematic Analysis of Counseling Students’ Developmental Journey through an Ethics Course, 2018.

Loue, Sana. “Confidentiality and Disclosure, 2018.

Marini, Irmo, Noreen M Glover-Graf, and Michael Jay Millington. Psychosocial Aspects of Disability: Insider Perspectives and Strategies for Counselors, 2018.

“Professional Issues and Ethics in Counseling & Psychotherapy”: Multiple Relationships. (EVideo, 2018) . Accessed July 27, 2020.

“Students’ Ethical Decision-Making When Considering Boundary Crossings With Counselor Educators (Article, 2019) . Accessed July 27, 2020.

Trachsel, Manuel, Jens Gaab, Şerife Tekin, Nikola Biller-Andorno, John Z Sadler, Ueli Kramer, and Robert Elliott. “Ethical Considerations in Emotion-Focused Therapy, 2019.

Traynor-Nilsen, Patricia Ann. “Ethical Leadership in Troubling Times, 2019.

Wernz, William J, and Minnesota State Bar Association. Minnesota Legal Ethics: A Treatise, 2018.

Wheeler, Anne Marie, and Burt Bertram. The Counselor and the Law: A Guide to Legal and Ethical Practice, 2019.

Wilson, Elisabeth Esmiol, and Lindsey Nice. Socially Just Religious and Spiritual Interventions: Ethical Uses of Therapeutic Power, 2018.